The Faust Project

The Faust Project has started in 2002. It is actively developed by the GRAME-CNCM Research Department.

Many persons are contributing to the Faust project, by providing code for the compiler, architecture files, libraries, examples, documentation, scripts, bug reports, ideas, etc. We would like in particular to thank:

    Fons Adriaensen, Karim Barkati, Jérôme Barthélemy, Tim Blechmann, Tiziano Bole, Alain Bonardi, Thomas Charbonnel, Raffaele Ciavarella, Julien Colafrancesco, Damien Cramet, Sarah Denoux, Étienne Gaudrin, Olivier Guillerminet, Pierre Guillot, Albert Gräf, Pierre Jouvelot, Stefan Kersten, Victor Lazzarini, Matthieu Leberre, Mathieu Leroi, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano, Kjetil Matheussen, Hermann Meyer, Rémy Muller, Raphael Panis, Eliott Paris, Reza Payami, Laurent Pottier, Sampo Savolainen, Nicolas Scaringella, Anne Sedes, Priyanka Shekar, Stephen Sinclair, Travis Skare, Julius Smith, Mike Solomon, Michael Wilson, Bart Brouns, Dirk Roosenburg.

as well as our colleagues at GRAME:

  • Dominique Fober
  • Christophe Lebreton
  • Stéphane Letz
  • Romain Michon
  • Yann Orlarey

We would like also to thank for their financial support: